Everything You Need To Know About the Gaggle Member’s Calendar View


Are you a visual person? Seeing events on a calendar is just soothing for some people. For others, it makes it easy to spot gaps in your content or even keep you from overserving on any one day. The calendar view for Members in GaggleAMP can help you see when you need more content and when you don’t. Here’s all you need to know about the calendar view for Members at GaggleAMP.

Locating the Calendar View

When a Gaggle Member logs in, the ‘Things to Do’ list displays all activities available to complete. Usually, this is in a list view, like this:

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To show this in a calendar view, simply toggle the scheduler to ‘on’ and the calendar will appear. 

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When you first open the calendar view, it may be empty like you see here. As you start to schedule your outstanding ‘Things to Do,’ it will appear on your calendar. 

Alternatively, your Activities Scheduled can also be found by navigating to ‘On the Schedule’ under the ‘Activities’ tab. 

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From here, simply toggle on the Calendar View to see the calendar.

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Understanding the Calendar View

As you would naturally expect, the calendar view is just that—a calendar view of activities you have scheduled within your Gaggle.

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On the calendar, you have the ability to look at it by day, week, or month and it can help you visually determine when you need to schedule content for each network. 

Populating Your Calendar With Activities

As you schedule your activities, they will appear on your calendar. A schedulable activity would be a share-type activity and have an ‘edit & schedule’ function on the Activity card.

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Once you click ‘edit & schedule,’ if your Gaggle Manager has given the capability, you can add text to the link being shared, and schedule your activity. To schedule it, toggle it on and you’ll have the option to schedule that activity alongside the default schedule or your own. 

Should you choose to set your own time and date, you’ll see your calendar will appear here. This helps you visually see where the Activity you are scheduling will appear. As you make changes to the time, it updates in the calendar view.

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Changing the Scheduled Date and Time of an Activity

From time to time a need arises to move a scheduled Activity. The start time of each activity is the time reflected on the calendar view.

To reschedule an activity, first make sure it is not already past the scheduled time. For example, if you have a LinkedIn activity scheduled for 2 PM you cannot reschedule the Activity at 4 PM as the time has already passed.

With that in mind, simply drag and drop the Activity to the new time slot to reschedule the Activity. 

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Reviewing Your Scheduled Activities

From the day view of the Member calendar, a Member can also hover over the scheduled Activity to see the details of that activity. 

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Double-clicking on the ‘Activity Details’ card from the ‘Things to Do’ view or the ‘Scheduler’ pages will let Members reschedule that Activity, too. 

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