Using the 'React On LinkedIn' Activity in GaggleAMP


There’s a lot of great content on LinkedIn and it’s always helpful to engage with content that might appeal to you or your Members. Before a recent LinkedIn update, the only available reaction was the trusty 'like' thumbs up. Blue, timeless, what a classic... but there are some new kids on the block!


When you 'react' to a piece of content, the person who published the post gets a notification letting them know that their post has a new reaction. This can be a big benefit to you or your Members because it gets you noticed by your connection, which may be a client, prospect, industry influencer, or executive.

LinkedIn also may serve that post in the connection’s news feed with a mention that the connection had liked the post, providing an added incentive for connections to read or engage with the post, too.

Creating a LinkedIn React Activity


The process of creating new "React on LinkedIn" Activities is no different than the old "Like on LinkedIn" Activities.  From the Manager view, opening the ‘Home -> Dashboard’ or ‘Activities -> Activities List’ page will display the ‘New Activity' button in the upper right corner. Click this, scroll down to the ‘LinkedIn’ section, locate either the ‘React to Post’ or 'React to Article' Activity card, and click ‘Create.’



A pop-up will appear where you can add the details of the LinkedIn post or article to which you want your Members to react.


When creating the activity, there are a number of items you can include. While not all fields are mandatory, they can be helpful to align with your advocacy program.

  • Link (required): The URL of the LinkedIn post or article you want your Members to react to.


  • Instructions: Any instructions or helpful information your Members need to know should appear here. This will appear alongside the request to react to the content in your Member's activity feed.


  • Send to Member Groups: If you would like the activity to be sent to all Members in your Gaggle, leave this field blank. However, if you would like to position this activity to only specific Member Groups, you can choose which Member Groups will receive this activity here. An example of a Member Group might be Executive Leadership, Sales Teams, Product Managers, or many others.
  • Post to Channels: Like the Member Groups, you can choose to only post this activity to specific Channels. 
    1. If you leave this field blank, all Members in your program will receive this react activity.
    2. If you select specific Channels, only Members of those channels will receive this react activity. 
    3. If you select both ‘Send to Member Groups’ and ‘Post to Channels,’ for a Member to see the activity, they need to be in both the Member Group and the Channel.
  • Start/End Time: Choose the Start and End date based on when you want your activity to be completed. For the start time, if you do not select a date, it will be an activity that is available to your Members within a few minutes. Likewise, the end time is when the activity ends. The activity will expire at that time and no longer be displayed on the Member's activity listing.
    Note: The ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times are based on the configured time zone of the manager creating the activity at the time of creation. Other Managers and Members will see these times converted in their configured time zones.
  • Points: Each activity can be assigned a point value that contributes to the leaderboard and rewards (should you use rewards). 
  • Campaign: If you leverage grouping your activities into Campaigns, use the drop-down menu to select the campaign that this activity supports. The react activity can be featured, which will position the post at the top of the Member's activities feed. 




What Options do Members Have for a Reaction?

LinkedIn recently updated its platform to allow for reactions to both posts and articles in a more robust way than just 'liking' the article or post. Today LinkedIn allows Members to react with a variety of emojis indicating different ways they feel about the content.


Options now include:

  • Like
  • Celebrate
  • Support
  • Funny
  • Love
  • Insightful
  • Curious

Interacting With a LinkedIn React Activity as a Member

Once a LinkedIn react activity has been posted, it will appear in the Member activities feed located under ‘Activities’ in ‘Things to Do’. Here the Members will be able to choose among the various reaction types before completing the Activity. Keep in mind that clicking on the 'perform activity" button at the top-right of any Activity card, including "React on LinkedIn", will perform that activity.


The default reaction is 'Like', but members can choose a different reaction option to something better matching their, well, um, reaction to the content at hand. By hovering over the 'Like on LinkedIn' button, they can optionally click on other available reaction types. A Member can hover on the button and change the reaction type as many times as they want before clicking the button. Also, a Member hovering over any reaction will see the print name of that reaction displayed on the Activity card within GaggleAMP.


Should the Member change the reaction type and be happy with the reaction shown here, they simply click the button and the Activity will be completed with that reaction.

Note: Once you have completed this Activity, should you navigate to your 'Things I've Done' list, you will see that you've completed this Activity but you will not see which reaction type used. 


From the Mobile home screen, a Member can simply click ‘Select Reaction' to see their list of options.  The activity will be completed using the first reaction they click from this icon bar.  


Still have questions? Contact your Customer Success Manager or Submit a Support Ticket and we’d be happy to help!

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