If you’re like many social content managers, you are constantly trying to keep tabs on people and pages for new content. It takes time to go to each source, read it, and when you find something of interest, copy and paste it into GaggleAMP and create an activity from it.
Well, now you can spend that time elsewhere! GaggleAMP has significantly streamlined this process by leveraging the Content Feed feature to ‘AutoAMP’ the creation of new Activities for your team. Create a Content Feed that pulls the qualified content into your Gaggle and either automatically turns it into your choice of Activity, or aggregates all content for your review within GaggleAMP.
Here’s how that works.
Creating a Content Feed in GaggleAMP
Navigate to GaggleAMP and select ‘Content Feeds’ then ‘Manage Feeds.’
In the upper right corner, select ‘Create New Feed.’
A slider will appear. Here you have the option to create a content feed for:
- A Twitter User
- A LinkedIn Page
- A Facebook Page
- An RSS Feed (you can find an in-depth guide on this here)
For a Twitter User, you will add the Twitter username and then select Verify Feed Content.’ Once you Verify Feed Content, it will pull in a brief history of tweets that would be expected to pull into this feed. If you are happy with the output, select ‘Next: Configure Feed.’
The process is very similar for a LinkedIn Page or a Facebook Page.
Note: These steps walk you through LinkedIn but it is the same process for Facebook.
Now, on LinkedIn, there are two potential outcomes when you add your LinkedIn link. If you have not already connected your company LinkedIn account to GaggleAMP, you will need to do so. If this has not been connected, you will see this notification.
You will need to be an administrator on the LinkedIn account you want to connect. You can attach this in your ‘My Social Accounts’ section.
If you have already connected your LinkedIn page to the GaggleAMP account, and select ‘Verify Feed Content,’ a brief history of your content feed will appear. If you are happy with the output, select ‘Next: Configure Feed.’
Configuring a Content Feed in GaggleAMP
Once you have created your Twitter User, LinkedIn Page, or Facebook Page Content Feed, the remainder of the configuration process is more or less the same. For the purposes of this explanation, we’ll use a LinkedIn Page.
Configuring a Content Feed Without AutoAMP
When you create a Content Feed, you can request that it automatically create GaggleAMP activities on your behalf, or you can simply send it to a content channel for review. If you do not want to create automatic activities, keep the toggle for AutoAMP in the ‘off’ position.
Content can be sent to specific channels by choosing your Channels from the dropdown. Lastly, unique to LinkedIn, is the ability to apply the LinkedIn Targeting Criteria by location.
Once you have all of your criteria set up, then simply ‘Create Feed’ and it’s ready for use!
Configuring a Content Feed AutoAMP
When you create a Content Feed, you can request that it automatically create GaggleAMP activities on your behalf, or you can simply send it to a content channel for review. If you want GaggleAMP to create activities on your behalf, move the toggle for AutoAMP into the ‘on’ position.
If you choose to toggle on AutoAMP, you will need to configure the following:
Activity Type: Turn this alert into a variety of share types, including:
- LinkedIn: Comment, Like, Share, Reshare
- Facebook: Comment and Like
Twitter: Retweet and Like
You can also determine how long after the Activity appears in your feed it will be before an Activity is created.
- Days Active: How many days will this activity be available to your Gaggle Members?
- Maximum New Activities per Day: Some feeds are noisier than others. Add the maximum number of automatically generated Activities that can be created from one feed each day.
- Points: The amount of points assigned to each Activity.
- Send Activities to Member Group/s: Determine which Group(s) of Members should receive these Activities.
- Send all Activities to Channel/s: Determine which Channel(s) of Members should receive these Activities.
- [LinkedIn Only] LinkedIn Targeting Criteria: Toggle this on if you want to define a specific location from LinkedIn.
Once configured, you can now create the Content Feed. It will appear at the top of your Content Feed list.
Selecting the three dots under Action will also allow you to process the feed immediately, make edits, and delete the feed. If you select ‘Disable,’ the feed will not be removed but it will not process any new content until it is re-enabled.