Engagement from Members is crucial to the success of any employee advocacy program. With GaggleAMP’s Member section, Managers can track participation from employees. It can help Managers to find out any reasons that may be hindering participation from any employees, and help these members reactivate their participation.
Here’s What the Member - ‘View All’ Can Accomplish for You as a Gaggle Manager
- Create or Manage Groups - You can create groups of Members if you want to assign a specific set of activities to a certain group of people. To create a group:
a. Click Create or Manage Groups and add a group name. Click ‘Create New Group.’
b. Close the slide-over and locate the Members you want to add to that group. Click the checkbox next to their image on the far left side.
c. Once all Members are selected, click in the box at the top that says ‘Select Member Group/s’ and choose your newly created group. This will then add those selected Members to this group. The group will be made available to serve specific activities only to Members in this group. - Search All Members - Perform a quick search for a Member by name.
- Filters - Filters allow you to learn more about which Members are part of a particular Channel or Member Group, or even see who has Gaggle Manager status on your account. Additionally, you can sort the Members by:
a. Joined in Last 30 Days - This helps you identify new Members that may need additional support or assistance.
b. Expired Social Accounts - Quickly and easily identify who has expired accounts, which will affect activities shared on those networks. We’d recommend when you see a Member with an expired account that you email them to understand why they are not connecting an account and/or resolve any troubleshooting questions. You can also choose to remove Members with expired accounts.
c. Email Not Confirmed - This identifies which of your Members have not validated their email address upon joining the Gaggle. Once a Member joins their Gaggle, they have 24 hours to confirm their email address or they will not be able to access their account.
d. No Activity in Past 30 Days - Use this filter to identify inactive Members of your program. These would be good targets for re-engagement into your Gaggle, or replacement by a more active potential Member.
e. Manager Role - Some Gaggles have more than one Gaggle Manager. This filter allows you to identify who has the Manager role quickly and easily. - Download XLSX - Download your Member data here to use outside of GaggleAMP.
- Disable Posts for All / Enable Posts for All - This toggle will allow you the ability to turn on and off the Community for individual members, or all members at once.
Note: Only Gaggles with the Community module will see these buttons. If your Gaggle has purchased the Community module, these buttons will allow you to make global setting changes to the entire program to enable or disable posts. You'll also be able to adjust that on a Member-by-Member basis. More on that below!
Learn About Each Member
As a Manager you can find a lot of useful information about your Members relevant to their participation in your employee advocacy program. These include:
- Name - Name of the member.
- Social Reach - Every Member in your Gaggle will have followers/friends/ connections on their personal social media networks. The social reach is a sum of the Member's Twitter and LinkedIn connections. These are the only two social networks that make this metric available.
- Joined On - This date indicates when someone has joined your Gaggle and could be helpful in identifying newer Members of your Gaggle or seasoned participants.
- Last Active - This date shows the last time the Member was active inside the Gaggle. If a Member has not been active in a while this can help you reach out to them.
- Allow Post - If you have purchased the Community Module, you will have access to toggle which Members have the ability to post in the Community and which do not. A blue checkmark indicates they cannot start a Conversation in the Community whereas a gray dash indicates they can start a Conversation.
- Connected Networks/ Expiration Alert - Under each Member’s image, you will see what social and productivity networks they have chosen to connect along with any social networks that may be expired. If a connection has expired, the Member will have an orange flag indicating an expired credential. The Member will also appear in the filter ‘Expired Social Accounts.’
- Groups Association - Under the Members name, if you see blue boxes with group names, that Member is associated with those groups. However, not all Members are in a group. If a Member is not part of a group, there will be no group tags under their name. To remove a Member from the group, simply click on the ‘X.’
- Email or Delete Member - Clicking on ‘Email Member’ will open your email provider to curate an email.‘Remove Member’ will remove the Member from your Gaggle.
Note: You cannot remove a Member if they are a Gaggle Manager. If you wish to remove a Gaggle Manager, first revoke their Gaggle Manager status and then you will have the option to remove the Member from your Gaggle.
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