How do I Adjust my Account Settings?




After you have logged into your Gaggle, navigate to the icon in the far right-hand corner. This should have your initials if you have never changed your profile settings before.

Adjusting Your Profile Settings

Click the drop-down arrow.


Select ‘Account Settings.’


Next, you will see you can update your profile settings, add localization, and adjust your privacy settings.


Under your profile settings, drag and drop your image. Acceptable formats include JPG and PNG. The maximum file size is 3MB.

Proceed to provide your first name, last name, title, and email address. 

Note: The email address used here should match the company email address in which you accepted the invitation. 

Next, you should proceed to localization and make your selections. Time zone, date format, and local can and do affect when your content may be available to you as well as the language presented.


Lastly, it is your choice if you would like to allow for click tracking. The default toggle is to allow for click tracking but this can be toggled off.


If you make any changes, you will need to select ‘Save Changes’ in order for them to take effect.

Note: Information from your profile is used to populate areas of GaggleAMP. Keep this in mind when adding identifying information and your profile image. We recommend work-appropriate.

Adjusting Your Preferences

Now that you have adjusted your profile settings, let’s move on to your personal preferences by selecting ‘Preferences’ from the top navigation bar.


Here you will have the authority to make adjustments to your personal settings.

The Activities toggle allows you to be notified when new activities are available. While you can turn off the notification of new Activities, we would recommend at least a weekly digest so that you do not forget to participate in your company Gaggle.

Broadcast messages can also be sent and are usually reserved for urgent messages. For that reason, we do recommend this stays toggled on, however, you are able to toggle this off.


These same toggles can be turned on and off for notifications related to Community Posts. You’ll also have additional options to determine how quickly you receive notifications when a post is created.


Note: Our Community module is a paid add-on and may not be available on your account. If your company has not subscribed to the Community, you will not see a Community Post section at all.

Account_Settings_Without_Community.pngNote: If your company has the community module enabled, you will find that on the Member dashboard in the top navigation.


Lastly, a toggle appears under Other to set your preferences on how you receive invitations to channels.


Reviewing Passwords and Security

All password adjustments and configurations of two-factor authentication take place from Password and Security, located on the top navigation bar after you have accessed your profile account settings.


There are many different providers to use with two-factor authentication, and we’re often asked how to reset a password. So, we have compiled a list of knowledge bases here for you to review based on your 2FA provider.

Your Connected Social Accounts

The 4th and final section of your account settings is your connected social accounts, also located on the top navigation bar after accessing account settings.


Here you will have access to see which accounts you have connected to each network. 


Note: In the instance you have both a personal and a business page connected to a network, you will see a drop-down menu as you do in the example for LinkedIn.


In the instance of a network that needs to be Re-Authorized, you will see a button to reconnect that network, or ‘add’ to connect a network for the first time.

You also have the flexibility to mute a social network by simply adjusting the toggle. Finally, removing a connection to a social network is as simple as selecting ‘remove.’

Finally, you’ll see a toggle that allows you to select if you want to Auto-Share Twitter Retweets automatically. Toggling this on will automatically complete a retweet activity on your behalf without you needing to approve each activity.

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