How Do I Enable the Okta Single Sign-On Integration?



Using a Single Sign-On integration with Okta, a Single Sign-On service, allows your Gaggle Managers and Members to leverage a single point of authentication (like Google) to sign into multiple platforms. This helps Gaggle Managers and Members to only retain one username and password to log into multiple services. It also benefits the company as access can be terminated across multiple services by discontinuing their access to the account used for Single Sign-On (for example, the employees Google account).


Let’s learn how to connect GaggleAMP to Okta with this integration guide.

Submitting a Request to GaggleAMP: Without a Okta Account

If you do not have an Okta account already, and you want to use them as your Single Sign-On provider, you’ll first need to contact GaggleAMP support.

  1. Contact GaggleAMP Support via the GaggleAMP application or email In the message, let’s us know “I would like to enable the Okta integration for my Gaggle.”

  2. GaggleAMP Support will respond with a special link that you or your IT team can use to configure Okta inside GaggleAMP.

:pencil2: Note: If you already have an Okta admin account, you can skip this step entirely.


Sign-Up for an Okta Account

To sign-up for an Okta account, please visit Okta and request a demo or start a free trial. You will need to work with them directly to secure an Okta account.

Once you have secured an Okta account, you will go through account set-up with them.


to Your Okta Account

Once you have signed up for an Okta account, you will need to log-on to Okta. Once logged in, the person responsible for managing Okta will need to create a new application for GaggleAMP in your company’s Okta instance. To do this, they will:


  1. Go to the “Applications” menu and click “Add Application.”


  2. Type “GaggleAMP” in the search bar and select ‘Add.’


  3. On the next page, simply select the green ‘Done’ button.

After the application has been created, Okta presents the user with the “details” page of the application. On this page, Okta provides the “Identity Provider Metadata” URL. This link will need to be supplied on the special link that GaggleAMP generated for your organization in order to automatically configure Okta. In addition to the metadata URL, you will also need to retrieve the “Identity Provider Issuer” value.




Submitting Your Okta Configuration to GaggleAMP

Using the configuration values noted in the prior section, you will need to visit the special link that GaggleAMP support provided you and enter the request values:


  1. Enter the Identity Provider Issuer copied earlier

  2. Check the box for ‘Use Identity Provider provided metadata URL’

  3. Enter the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL copied earlier in the installation

  4. Save & Enable the Configuration




If you have questions on how to best integrate GaggleAMP to Okta, please speak with your Customer Success Manager and we’d be happy to help you out.

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