‘Things to Do’ UX Enhancements & Behavior Changes
Your Gaggle is getting more sophisticated with several updates to improve your user experience.
- Your ‘Things to Do’ feed is now limited to only activities your Gaggle Manager has created without an assigned Channel and Activities on the Channels you follow. This will help you focus on activities you want to complete without distractions from Channels you have no interest in.
- The ‘Things to Do’ feed will now be divided into two sections: Featured Activities and My Activities. If your Gaggle Manager features an activity, it will be pinned to the top of your feed and is not impacted by any other sorting or filtering.
- We’ve cleaned up the interface! The Channels and Networks filters are under the ‘Sort’ button directly above the ‘Things to Do’ feed. Here activities can be reordered by both Channel and Network as well as by start and expiration date, points, and the number of people who have performed the activity.
- Social accounts can now be connected directly from the activity cards.
‘On the Schedule’ UX Enhancements
Have you ever scheduled your activities and wondered how many activities you have scheduled on a certain day? We’ve made it much easier for you to see what is ‘On the Schedule’ with these improvements:
- Your scheduled activities are now grouped by the date on which they will be performed. This makes it easier for you to see days you are over/under-scheduled and allows you to reschedule the activities if needed.
- The Channel and Network filters, and the sort function, have been removed from this page.
‘Things I’ve Done’ UX Enhancements
Once activities have been completed, we’ve made it easier to see what you have done.
- The ‘Custom Date Range’ filter allows you to pinpoint activities completed during a set timeframe.
- The Channels, Network, and Status filters have been removed as widgets and now appear directly on each activity card.
If you have feedback, we’d love to hear your thoughts!