LinkedIn Share Post, LinkedIn Re-Share, and LinkedIn RePost with Link: What’s the Difference?


Fifty different activities can be a bit overwhelming until you understand the purpose of the activities. Three of the most common activities to use on LinkedIn are the ‘LinkedIn Share Post’, ‘LinkedIn Re-Share Post,’ and ‘LinkedIn RePost with Link’ activities, but they are also three of the most commonly confused.

When using a LinkedIn Share Post activity, you are creating a post that your employees will share. When they share it, it will appear as if they created that post themselves. The LinkedIn Share Post activity will drive clicks to your content and more engagement than the LinkedIn Re-Share Post activities. 

Sometimes you might want to add media such as videos, photos, or GIFs to your posts. An example of this would be in leveraging your company ranking on a third-party solution like G2. While I want to promote my company's performance on G2, as rated by users of our product, I do not want to use their imagery in that promotion. By toggling on the ‘include media’ button on the LinkedIn Share Post activity, you can include a customer video to accompany your G2 rankings announcement.

The LinkedIn Re-Share Post activities are different from the LinkedIn Share Post activity in the sense that it is a share of a post that is already on LinkedIn. 

These types of shares are not in the employee voice as any post that is live on LinkedIn can be used in the LinkedIn Re-Share Post activities. This activity tends to garner fewer clicks and engagement than the LinkedIn Share Post activity. GaggleAMP cannot track the clicks and engagements, solely because it's not the employee voice in the post and those clicks and engagements go to the original poster. 

That said, LinkedIn Re-Share Post can be very helpful when sharing someone's post and prepending the message with a comment about what the employee took away from the post they shared. With that in mind, it activates conversations between the employees’ audience, their takeaway, and allows for engagement tracking, rather than just sharing the activity without additional context.

Let’s take a look at how to do each of these activities and what it looks like on LinkedIn.

Using the LinkedIn Share Post Activity


From the Manager view on your dashboard under ‘Activities,’ click ‘New Activity’ in the upper right corner.

Scroll down to the ‘LinkedIn’ section and locate the ‘Share Post’ activity and click ‘Create.’


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A pop-up will appear in which you can curate the details of the post you want your members to share.

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When creating the activity, there are a number of items you can include. While not all fields are mandatory, they can be helpful.

  1. Message: Create the content you want your Member(s) to share in the Message field. Remember, this can be in the voice of the employee as it will look like they are the one that originally created the post. You’ll see that ‘Shorten URLs’ is enabled and this will make the link you place in the message a link, which allows GaggleAMP to track clicks on this link unless you have a customer link shortener (available as an add-on).
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  2. Include Media: If you wish to add a Photo/Video/GIF to your post, you can add it here.
    Note: Photos can be jpg or png and up to 10MB in size, and videos need to be MP4, size 200MB or less, or a maximum of 1800 seconds long.
  3. Send to Member Groups: If you want the activity to be sent to all Members in your Gaggle, leave this field blank. However, if you would like to position this activity to only specific Member Groups, you can choose which Member Groups will receive this activity here. An example of a Member Group might be Executive Leadership, Sales Teams, Product Managers, or many others.
  4. Post to Channels: Like the Member Groups, you can choose to only post this activity to specific Channels. 
    • If you leave this field blank, all Members in your program will receive this activity.
    • If you select specific Channels, only Members of those channels will receive this activity. 
    • If you select both ‘Send to Member Groups’ and ‘Post to Channels,’ for a Member to see the activity, they need to be in both the Member Group and the Channel.
  5. Start/End Time: Choose the Start and End date based on when you want your activity to be completed. For the start time, if you do not select a date, it will be an activity that is available to your Members within a few minutes. Likewise, the end time is when the activity ends. At that time, the activity will expire and will no longer be displayed on the Member's activity listing.
    Note: The ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times are based on the configured time zone of the manager creating the activity at the time of creation. Other Managers and Members will see these times converted in their configured time zones.
  6. Points: Each activity can be assigned a point value that contributes to the leaderboard and rewards (should you use rewards).
  7. Campaign: If you leverage grouping your activities into Campaigns, use the drop-down menu to select the campaign that this activity supports. The activity can be featured and enabling this will position the post at the top of the Members Activities feed.  
  8. AI Paraphrase: The AI-Powered Paraphrase feature allows Gaggle Managers to enable Member-driven, AI-paraphrasing for any LinkedIn Share Post activity. This means when your Members receive a LinkedIn Share Post Activity, they can choose to use our AI tools to get the new text before the LinkedIn Share Post Activity is completed.
    Note: This feature is only available to Gaggles that have opted-in to our AI-Powered Paraphrase module in the Gaggle. If you are interested in having this functionality available in your Gaggle, please contact your Customer Success Manager or open a support ticket.
  9. Allow Editing, Enable Tracking, and Feature Activity: With this activity, you can choose if you want your Members to be able to edit the message or place this message at the top of the activities to do with ‘Feature Activity.’ ‘Enable tracking’ is, by default, enabled, but can be checked off to not track the activity.

Interacting With a ‘LinkedIn Share Post’ Activity as a Member

Once a ‘LinkedIn Share Post’ activity has been created, it will appear in the Member Activities feed located under ‘Activities’ in the ‘Things to do”’ tabs. Should the Members choose to do this activity, they simply click ‘Share on LinkedIn.’

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Once ‘Share on LinkedIn’ has been clicked, the contents of this activity will be posted to LinkedIn.

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From the Mobile home screen, a Member can click ‘Share on LinkedIn’ from their Activities under ‘Activities.’

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Using the LinkedIn RePost with Link Activity

Before diving into the LinkedIn RePost with Link activity, it’s important to understand what this activity does versus its closely related sister activity LinkedIn Re-Share Post Activity. The LinkedIn RePost with Link activity should be used when you want your Members to re-share a post that is already live on LinkedIn. This activity can be created from any LinkedIn post that is already published on the LinkedIn network.

On the other hand, the LinkedIn Re-Share Post activity works really well if you want Members of your program to re-share a post on LinkedIn that is from your company feed. With this activity, you can simply connect your company feed to the LinkedIn Re-Share Post activity to pick and choose posts you want to re-share with your Members.

Now let’s dive into the LinkedIn Re-Post with Link Activity.


From the Manager view on your dashboard or under ‘Activities,’ click ‘New Activity’ in the upper right corner. Scroll down to the ‘LinkedIn’ section and locate the ‘RePost with Link’ activity and click ‘Create.’


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A pop-up will appear where you can add the details of the post you want your Members to share.

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When creating the activity, there are a number of items you can include. While not all fields are mandatory, they can be helpful.

  1. Link: This is the URL of the LinkedIn Post you want to share.
  2. Description: This provides a description of the content you want the Member to share. It will appear on the activity served to the Member, but the description contents will not be visible on the social network.SS12_Reshare_Post_Link_Trail.png
  3. Send to Member Groups: If you want the activity to be sent to all Members in your Gaggle, leave this field blank. However, if you would like to position this activity to only specific Member Groups, you can choose which Member Groups will receive this activity here. An example of a Member Group might be Executive Leadership, Sales Teams, Product Managers, or many others.
  4. Post to Channels: Like the Member Groups, you can choose to only post this activity to specific Channels. 
    • If you leave this field blank, all Members in your program will receive this activity.
    • If you select specific Channels, only Members of those channels will receive this activity. 
    • If you select both ‘Send to Member Groups’ and ‘Post to Channels,’ for a Member to see the activity, they need to be in both the Member Group and the Channel.
  5. Start/End Time: Choose the Start and End date based on when you want your activity to be completed. For the start time, if you do not select a date, it will be an activity that is available to your Members within a few minutes. Likewise, the end time is when the activity ends. At that time, the activity will expire and will no longer be displayed on the Member's activity listing.
    Note: The ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times are based on the configured time zone of the manager creating the activity at the time of creation. Other Managers and Members will see these times converted in their configured time zones.
  6. Points: Each activity can be assigned a point value that contributes to the leaderboard and rewards (should you use rewards).
  7. Campaign:If you leverage grouping your activities into Campaigns, use the drop-down menu to select the campaign that this activity supports. The activity can be featured and enabling this will position the post at the top of the Members Activities feed.



Interacting With a ‘LinkedIn RePost with Link’ Activity as a Member

Once a ‘LinkedIn RePost with Link’ activity has been posted, it will appear in the ‘Things to do’ feed located under ‘Activities’. Should the Member choose to do this activity, they simply click ‘Go to LinkedIn to Share.’

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This will redirect the Member to LinkedIn to perform the actual sharing of this post.


From the Mobile home screen, a Member can simply click ‘Go to LinkedIn to Share’ from their 'Things to Do' tab.

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Using the LinkedIn Re-Share Post Activity


From the Manager view on your dashboard or under ‘Activities,’ click ‘New Activity’ in the upper right corner. Scroll down to the ‘LinkedIn’ section and locate the ‘LinkedIn Re-Share Post’ activity and click ‘Create.’


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From here you will see the LinkedIn pages that have been connected to this Gaggle. To Add a new page, click ‘Add New Page.'

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Then you will be asked to paste the company page’s URL. 

Note: You need to have admin rights to the company page to be able to add it. 

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Once you add the page, you’ll see that this view automatically pulls in published posts for you to send to your Gaggle. When you choose ‘Send to Gaggle,’ you will see a pop-up that triggers a LinkedIn Share activity.

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Note: When creating a LinkedIn Share Post activity via the LinkedIn Re-Share Post activity, the ‘add a link’ element will not exist because the link is already available from the activity feed.

When creating the activity, there are a number of items you can include. While not all fields are mandatory, they can be helpful.

  1. Instructions: This provides instructions for the content you want the Member to share. It will appear on the activity served to the Member, but the description contents will not be visible on the social network.
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  2. Send to Member Groups: If you would like the activity to be sent to all Members in your Gaggle, leave this field blank. However, if you would like to position this activity to only specific Member Groups, you can choose which Member Groups will receive this activity here. An example of a Member Group might be Executive Leadership, Sales Teams, Product Managers, or many others.
  3. Post to Channels: Like the Member Groups, you can choose to only post this activity to specific Channels.
    1. If you leave this field blank, all Members in your program will receive this activity.
    2. If you select specific Channels, only Members of those channels will receive this activity. 
    3. If you select both ‘Send to Member Groups’ and ‘Post to Channels,’ for a Member to see the activity, they need to be in both the Member Group and the Channel.
  4. Start/End Time: Choose the Start and End date based on when you want your activity to be completed. For the start time, if you do not select a date, it will be an activity that is available to your Members within a few minutes. Likewise, the end time is when the activity ends. At that time, the activity will expire and will no longer be displayed on the Member's activity listing.
    Note: The ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times are based on the configured time zone of the manager creating the activity at the time of creation. Other Managers and Members will see these times converted in their configured time zones.
  5. Points: Each activity can be assigned a point value that contributes to the leaderboard and rewards (should you use rewards).
  6. Campaign: If you leverage grouping your activities into Campaigns, use the drop-down menu to select the campaign that this activity supports. The activity can be featured and enabling this will position the post at the top of the Members Activities feed.

Interacting With a ‘LinkedIn Re-Share Post’ Activity as a Member

Once a ‘LinkedIn Re-share Post’ activity has been posted, it will appear in the ‘Things to do’ feed located under ‘Activities’. Should the Members choose to do this activity, they simply click ‘Click to Re-Share.’

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Once clicked, a slider will appear. The Members can choose to prepend the activity with their own commentary about the post they are about to re-share. Prepending the message is not a requirement to re-share the post but doing so adds the employees’ voice and can make the shared activity appear more authentic.


Members also have the opportunity to schedule the activity from this view. To do so, simply toggle the button and choose the default schedule or ‘set my own time and date.’ If the Member does nothing here, this activity will be shared immediately.

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From the Mobile home screen, a Member can ‘Click to Re-Share’ from their Activities under ‘Things To Do.’

Note: When sharing this activity type from a mobile device, the Member will not have the opportunity to prepend the shared activity.

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Still have questions? Contact your Customer Success Manager or Submit a Support Ticket and we’d be happy to help!

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